Country Cabin
The Country Cabin is a major venue on the Crooked Road, Virginia’s heritage Music Trail which carries forth the mission of Appalachian Traditions, Inc., a non-profit organization, to perpetuate and preserve Appalachian traditions and culture, including music, musical traditions, historical sites and historical memorabilia, and the preservation of mountain dance, storytelling, crafts and arts.
Country Cabin presents old time and bluegrass music every Saturday night, featuring local and regional musicians. Mountain-style clogging is taught at Country Cabin II.
Jam Sessions are held each Tuesday night at 7:00 PM. FREE ADMISSION. All Musicians and spectators welcome!
Other special events include the Dock Boggs/Kate O’Neill Peters Sturgill Memorial Music festival, jam sessions, picking lessons, weddings, birthday celebrations, music benefit shows and bus tours.

6034 Kent Junction Rd, Norton, VA 24273

(276) 679-3541